Thursday, March 19, 2015

Blog I Chapter #4

  • Technological Knowledge- Material: Laptop, Project, Smart Board, iPad, Camera, Video, Virtual Manipulatives, Google Drive, iMovie, Audioboo, Educreations, Simulations, Smart Notebook.
  • Pedagogical Knowledge-It is the HOW! Tools….Direct Instruction, Inquiry, Debate, Group Discussion, Modeling, and Graphic Organizer, Think Pare-shape.
  • AND (&)
  • Content Knowledge- It is WHAT! Subject we are teaching.

1.   Planning components
a.   Curriculum- content, standards, benchmarks
b.   Instruction- Instructional strategies, integrating of Technology

c.   Assessment- Clear Expectations, Use of Rubric 
2.   Developing Lessons
a.   Students Learning Objectives
                                         i.    Who (students)
                                        ii.    What (action outcome)
                                       iii.    When (outcome related)
                                      iv.    How much, How Often (related to objective)
 Assessed, Measured, Evaluate
Do PowerPoint:
Students will be able to identify three concepts of lesson planning by the end of the evening via an exit survey with anticipation of 75% accuracy.
b.   Understanding by Design(Wiggins & Tighe)
c.   Identifying
3.   Standards
a.   FL Sunshine State Standards
b.   National Curriculum Standards
                                         i.    Common Core
                                        ii.    Subject Areas (p67)
c.   NETS-S (inside cover)
4.   Assessment
a.   Standards Based v. Performance Based
b.   Formative v. Summative
c.   Clickers
d.   Rubrics


  1. Impressed that you put PhotosforClass to work so soon! :) What a great image, too! :) Unfortunately, looking for more of your reflections from the textbook chapter and not outlined notes from the classroom lecture PowerPoint. :(

  2. I put a lot of things right out of the chapter in my Kahoot.
