Thursday, January 29, 2015


Hi I am Nicole

I Love teaching
Photo Credit to duaneschoon on Flickr

Nicole Blog Post C Chapter #3

Concept #1
Using Computers to better study habits.

Concept #2
Using Educational Video's to help students learn. I cannot stand taking History, but in order to learn about my upcoming essay on WW1 I am watching videos.

Concept # 3
Using applications to enhance social learning. No matter where a child comes from all children has trouble feeling social outside their family. I think an app that they can use at any age to enhance their social skills and help them be more outgoing when it comes time for them to be in a classroom setting. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Teaching with Technology the "Wright" Way

Nicole Blog Post #B

I know when I become a teacher I will be able to really engage my students in learning with technology. I know when I first become a teacher I will have to find my own individual way of teaching, but I will learn as I use technology for every aspect of me and my students success.
In the following video the teacher really shows how she engages the students with technology and the results she has had.
 Teaching with Technology the "Wright" Way

I know that for some teachers thinking about letting their students use technology in the classroom is unsettling. I believe that when they give the chance they will see the success that it brings to their studies. I know that some teachers want to have full control while still using the devices, but either way it will bring improvement. In this area I have a true story, when I was a Junior in high school I had a website building class. It was one of my favorite classes because I got to use computers. I also remember when he connected his computer with the rest of the classes to teach us something. The things that happened in that class meant a lot to me. It was what I considered doing at first before deciding to become a teacher.
In the following picture the teacher is just keeping a close eye on his students as they learn on their laptop computers.

I know today there is a lot of websites that is used for teaching. In our book it list applications for every subject. I am very happy from a future mom and teacher’s point of view to know that there are websites for very early learning development. I will be one to use these websites very frequently as a mom and teacher.
In the picture below is a chart to show the success that has. Supports Effective Technology Practices

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Blog Post #A-Chapter 1

The first connection that I will address is using a Computer; rather it is a laptop or a desktop this technical device can be used to advance a child’s knowledge by assigning those websites to help them in every subject. Even for a child in Speech-Language Pathology a child could use a computer to advance their reading which does better their speech. Laptop computers are still being technically advanced; there will always be a reason for this device in the classroom to advance students learning.

The next connection that gets used in education today is Tablets. Tablets are miniature computers that use touch-screen controls and can access the internet through mobile network companies. Tablets are one of the best ways a child learns these days, they have them from that ages 2 years and up. With all the different kinds of tablets out there every child could start Elementary already knowing some things that is taught in that first year. Tablets are a great invention, and a great way for children to discover the world around them at the youngest ages possible. Just a short few decades ago we could not even imagine using a technical device until almost a teenager; now toddlers are using them. I am proud to become a teacher and use tablets as a resource for me and my students.

The last connection is smart phones and their use in the classrooms the way that a child can capture what he is taught and the way he can learn things right away with a small phones that can act like a big computer. Smart phones is an amazing way to solve the problem of children not learning everything they are suppose to because they are afraid of asking a question because of peers, or the teacher. Having the smart phone device close to a child can learn what they do not understand, and even can help them mentally understand what they was taught in school that day and be able to show there parents when they arrive home. Instead of every child worst fear; the question “So what did you learn in school today?”